The company was founded through demand of genuine and affordable ducting supply. Fraudulent supply is common as it is hard to differentiate metal thickness and calculate actual metal usage when received on site. Therefore, many suffered from higher ducting cost, lower performance, high operation noise, penalty and etc.
Supplying air ducting with integrity and spec compliant is crucial in helping the construction industry as well as living quality of people in the building. In Eco Duct Engineering, truthful has to be the essence of all and our clients could check the internal work sheets of what they actually ordered.
Every order is reengineered to reduce client’s purchase cost and lower metal wastage, without sacrificing the designed performance. Durable is part of being eco. We fabricate ducting according to industry standard that could pass the tests of authorities and time.
Supplying air ducting with integrity and spec compliant is crucial in helping the construction industry as well as living quality of people in the building. In Eco Duct Engineering, truthful has to be the essence of all and our clients could check the internal work sheets of what they actually ordered.
Every order is reengineered to reduce client’s purchase cost and lower metal wastage, without sacrificing the designed performance. Durable is part of being eco. We fabricate ducting according to industry standard that could pass the tests of authorities and time.
In short, we serve with integrity principles and pragmatic procedures.